Selasa, April 28, 2009


Setelah 4 bulan, baru kali ini bisa keluar bareng. Wow! Omong-omong, foto ini candid loh ;)

Kamis, April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday!

We Will Not Grow Old - Lenka

You and me will be lying side by side
Forever, forever
Underneath this adolescent sky
Together, together
And you will hold my heart inside your hand
And you'll be the one to tell me
Oh we've got a long, long way to go
To get there
We'll get there
But oh, if there's one thing that we know
It's that we will not grow old
You made me swear that our hearts will never die
No never, no never
'Cause no one seems to believe that we can fly
Forget them, forget them
Oh.. you told me
Oh we've got a long, long way to go
To get there
We'll get there
But oh, if there's one thing that we know
It's that we will not grow old
Oh how could we know that day, it came with age
That oh, the feeling would fade...
Oh we've got a long, long way to go
To get there
We'll get there
But oh, if there's one thing that we know
It's that we will not grow old

We will not grow old...

Ulang Tahun terbaik yang pernah saya jalani sampai saat ini. Terima kasih untuk semua pengabulan keinginan saya hari itu. Terima kasih untuk kejutan dan perayaan kecil - kecilannya. Terima kasih untuk kado - kado kalian. Terima kasih untuk perhatian dan cintanya. Terima kasih, untuk semuanya. Perlu jalan yang panjang untuk sampai ke ulang tahun kali ini, setelah apa yang saya jalani selama setahun belakangan, ini terasa sangat manis. You, me, and us will not grow old without holding each other. BigLove&Hugs!

Minggu, April 19, 2009

What We've Done?

Once again, regretting about what we did yesterday. Feeling so bad, we went too far, and please, bring me come back home. Don't cover our days with black memories. Enough, I'm not your toys and I don't want paint your mind with fake-hope.

I want, we stop this game before one of us become loser. I want you to be mine like before, not like now. Remember about your promises. Sorry, I have no choice.

Selasa, April 14, 2009

hope part 1

Tunggu saya, 5 tahun lagi jadi salah satu artist yang bisa ngebanggain kalian. Artist yang bisa bikin karya buat ngebantu merubah dunia. Artist yang ga menjadikan seni sebagai sumber uang tapi jiwa dan budaya. Artist yang bisa bikin karya mendidik orang lain.

Yaaaaaa, Amin! :)

*artist : art-ist, pekerja seni bukan selebritis.


by drdoomtone

Hem, gatau kenapa, saya suka liatnya :) favorit!


baca sesuatu. terkenang sesuatu. melupakan sesuatu.
apa itu kamu? hem.

animasi yang ga jalan :(

ini apa coba? iseng bikin aja hahahaha :D sayang sekali ga gerak di sini hemmm ntarlah ya dioprek lagi heheu

Sabtu, April 11, 2009

The Cure - Trust

there is no one in the world
that I can hold onto
there is really no one left at all
there is only you

and you leave me now
you leave all that we were undone
there is really no one left
you are the only one

and still the hardest part of you
to put your trust on me
I love you more than I can say
why won't you just believe?

and still the hardest part of you
to put your trust on me
I love you more than I can say
why won't you just believe?

Selasa, April 07, 2009

Walk On Rainy Day

What If I say, I will come to your place when you need me, although a heavy rain falling down?
I'll try to be there.

-- ; misssssyoooouuuuuuuutooooooo!


Loves this chemistry work on us, loves to smell your skin around me, loves to trust you, loves to see you angry, loves to give you my biggest smile, loves to calling you everyday, loves to hear your cough, loves to imagine tommorow we can walk together, loves to think what are you doing right now, loves to share some story with you, loves to seeing your eyes, loves to write down notes about you, loves to wait till you bite the last biscuit, loves to cry because of you, loves to ask about your family, loves to debate about silly thing with you, and loves the fact that I love you :)


Awal Desember 2008 udah mulai bikin rancangan (hem gaya gini bahasanya hahahaha) awal si 'televisi' ini, tapi ga berkembang sampe sekarang ckckck :( Kendalanya mah cuma di waktu ama dana aja sih. Deadlinenya 30 April sekarang tapi kayanya bakal mundur lama lagi nih. Oh iya, ada yang tau tempat nyari walkman klasik tapi murah dimana?

-- sebenernya ini buat kado ulang taun tapi .... hem ah sudahlah hahahaha :D

Daftar Keinginan untuk hari Senin 13 April 2009.

ohyeaaaaah 13 April masuk. HAHA. Ga banget pengen libur ah biar sekalian ckckckckck :( padahal udah rencana mau tidur sambil matiin hp seharian.

Ga dirayain, Ga dikasih surprise apa-apa.
Asa ga penting juga dirayain, udah bukan anak TK ini saya teh hahahaha lagian hambur uang, mending buat beliin notebook atau sketchbook yang banyak :D Terus juga ga usah ada surprise apa-apa, da menurut saya sekarang ini ulang taun bukan sesuatu yang istimewa, malah tambah deket sama mati. Jadi mendingan yang ngucapin ke saya, ucapkanlah doa sebanyak-banyaknya, sip? heheu.

Dikasih kado.
Hahaha, wajar aja ini mah atuuuuuuh siapa juga yang gamau dikasih benda benda? hihi. Emm, pengennya mah dikasih topi pantai bundar yang dari anyaman, kalo ga kincir angin warna-warni :D Bagus juga kalo si bundo mau ngasih notebook atau duit buat bantu saya nabung hehehe.

Doa buat saya dan dari saya terkabul semua.
Semoga 16 taun bikin saya tambah dewasa dan ga olo-olo, semoga 16 taun ini saya udah bisa magang atau kerja, semoga 16 taun ini saya ga banyak eheeeeem dan lebih deket sama pencipta saya. AMIN. :D