Sabtu, Januari 17, 2009


Don't you see I'm here, standing and look at you, feeling happy and sad. I heard it and I don't know how to solve your problem. Several times ago you went outside and never coming back, left me with tears and memories, and now, in front of me you say that you're fail. ALL THAT YOU'VE GOT ISN'T MY FAULT, THAT WAS YOUR CHOICE, AND DON'T EVER BLAME ON ME. C'mon, stand up, you're not too weak to face this truth. But like it or not, sorry, you are not my worries again. I have something new to loving on.

Well, what can I do right now? just pray for your joy. Goodluck.

Minggu, Januari 04, 2009

Duaribu Sembilan.

Yeee, welcome 2009. Hope this year better than before ;D Hehe, saya ga akan ngulas balik taun kemaren ah soalnya banyak aib, tapi pas akhir taun dapet 'kado' seru gitu deh ;)

Resolusi taun ini kebetulan sama kaya si Windu, jadi bisa barengan ngejarnya hehe ada 5 resolusi saya,

Pengen nabung! Gila nih, dari jaman dulu belum kewujud juga :|

Pengen cepet mulai karir, nambah ilmu :D yaaa latian buat color imaging contest 2012 hehe

Bikin orang lain bangga! Hahaha udah mulai sih dari taun kemaren, tapi pengen lebih taun ini ;)

Better evol-life; semoga bisa lama jadi Defrina-nya hehe

Become a better person, more patient and realistic.

Doain aja yaaaa kecapai semua, ada yang punya resolusi sama?